
How do you lose your hair when you wash your hair?

How do you lose your hair when you wash your hair?
1. Keep a good life. I recently found irregular diet, sometimes at night to work overtime, said a lot of pressure, sleep is not very good, I think this is because the body with poor nutrition or not good rest, metabolism is not normal, in the lack of hair nutrition, you want the body nutrition can not keep up, the hair to absorb it is not the primary nutrition, eat and sleep is good to relax!
2, must wash hair with warm water, in the choice of shampoo, should choose a mild stimulus less, then clean when you use the finger belly massage the scalp, to a long time, don't be impatient, slowly comb the hair from the scalp hair root to the hair a, slowly comb, comb the hair to head, gently for you, the hair will be more supple! Mentality is very important, huh?!wedding tiaras 
3, this time is best not to perm hair, and too much care, everything is simple, regular cleaning clean can! The diet must be light, more vegetarian, did not find food to eat after the hair will do a lot of fat! So be vegetarian.
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