
How do you do if you lose your hair badly?

Treatment of hair loss: iron rich foods, such as meat, egg, spinach, cabbage, celery, fruits and so are the best treatment for food. Advice: eat more vegetables to prevent constipation. Perennial adhere to eat more grains, fruits. Supplements. Iron rich foods are soybeans, black beans, eggs, octopus, shrimp, cooked peanuts, spinach, carp, bananas, carrots, potatoes and so on. Supplement of plant protein. The dry hair, hair opened, you can eat soy, black sesame, corn and other food. Fresh fruits and vegetables eat more alkaline substances. Hair and hair yellow is one of the factors is due to acidic toxins in the blood, because the physical and mental fatigue, long-term intake of pure sugar and fat foods, so that the metabolism process acid toxins. Liver, meat, onions and other acidic foods can cause excessive acid toxin in the blood, so to eat up. Filling iodine. gloss and thyroid function, iodine supplementation can enhance the secretion of thyroid function, is conducive to hair. You can eat kelp, seaweed, oysters and other foods. Vitamin E. vitamin E supplementation against hair aging, promote cell division, so that hair growth. You can eat fresh lettuce, cabbage, black sesame.wedding rings
Then shampoo and conditioner is also very important, the hair clean is the basis for healthy hair, instead of the correct method of washing hair is an important factor in conservation. Dry hair less sebum secretion, hair cycle may be slightly longer, usually 7-10 days wash once. Oily hair sebum secretion, hair slightly shorter period, generally 3-5 days to wash a neutral hair sebum secretion is moderate, generally 5-7 days to wash a dry hair. Choose gentle nutrition of shampoo and hair care products, oily hair shampoo choice quwuli stronger.
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