
Medicated diet for hair

1 、 eggs with Polygonum multiflorum
Polygonum multiflorum 60 grams, 2 eggs, add water with boiled, eggs cooked, shell to take eggs, cook for about 5 minutes, eat egg soup. This product is suitable for blood deficiency caused by weak poliosis, excessive hair loss, prematurely senile, the curative effect is better but not fill. bridal hair combs
2, sheep bone porridge
Sheep tibial 1-2 roots, mashed, plus red dates, longan 10 each, 100-150 grams of glutinous rice, add water amount, porridge eating. From the winter solstice to eat next spring. This porridge has the effect of warming kidney and blood, suitable for hair loss and kidney deficiency, waist soreness, mild anemia.
3, hair black bean soup wedding hairclip
Sesame 30 grams, black beans 30 grams, 12 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 20 grams of sugar. Boiled for about half an hour, even soup residue with food. Take it 1 times a day for 60 days. This product can nourish health, hair, especially for insomnia.
What to eat dry hair frizz

