
How to prevent hair loss?

Hair loss is a common skin disease, in addition to genetic factors, mental stress, eating too much, greasy and spicy food, stay up late, tend to aggravate hair loss, or make hair loss earlier.
There's no need to panic if you lose your hair in just a few days. However, if each hair loss of more than 100 or more, or one or two months of continuous hair loss, you need to go to the regular hospital department of dermatology.
Our hair loss reasons will be many, different people will have different symptoms, we suggest that we should be treated differently, according to their physical quality to maintain, so that is the most effective. sterling silver necklace
According to their physical quality to maintain
The hair cycle disorder called telogen hair loss, it is caused by endocrine diffuse alopecia caused mainly by hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, diabetes or oral contraceptives and other factors, in addition to some chemicals may cause hair loss, such as chemotherapy, antidepressants, excessive vitamin A etc..
Generally speaking, 15-30 hair grows fastest in a person's life.
With the growth of age, the growth rate of hair gradually slowed down, into the old age, with the aging skin, shrinking, the number of hair follicles gradually reduced, hair will gradually scarce.925 sterling sliver bracelet
Of course, when you reach a certain age, our hair will be more and more, how to do it? This is a normal phenomenon.
Experts suggest that, if there is obvious hair loss, and can not find obvious reasons, should promptly consult the doctor's professional advice, the sooner the proper treatment, the greater the problem of hair loss help.

